Huaraches were nice to enough to send me a preview copy on this one so it's been played on the show and in my car for a few weeks now. Despite the fun, summery baseball album art, I get a pretty dark, ominous and dangerous vibe on this one. Perhaps it's not the music: I did first listen to it on the way back from a haunted house, the luchadore mask-wearing figure on the cover kinda freaks me out, and I've had a fear of getting hit in the face with a baseball since I watched it happen to a kid in summer camp a long time ago.
But I think it's the music. Huaraches are more about power and over glissando. A lot slow build-ups and heavy stompin' songs. If you were a fan of their previous album "The Huaraches Ride" you know what's up and you'll likely be back for more.
My favorites on here are Mudsharks, Away! and Defending Go Kart Champions.
You can preview one of those and buy the album on their bandcamp page