Blog Stuff

Men from S.P.E.C.T.R.E. - The Claw

Perhaps you can tell by the name, but Men from S.P.E.C.T.R.E are pointed in a global syndicate of evil direction than rather than southern California. If you didn't figure that out, then you need to watch Goldfinger. But what I really mean by that is you can expect plenty of organ with your guitars, and a swanky mod beat. Not so much John Barry, closest cousin I can think of is Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited. It's a sound I'd like to hear more of, and they pull it off according to plan. SPECTRE wins this time.

From: 09/03/2015 - 07:42

Captain Surfari and The Washburns - Live On The Beach EP

We've got four songs of rough and raw surf here, all new tracks. As a live EP, the production quality takes off some of the crispy edge that was on their , but it's still fast and fun. I'm hoping we can hear some of these on an LP in the future

From: 09/01/2015 - 07:49

The Coconauts - Space Madness

Arizona's The Coconauts are back with their second LP. It's been a while since I last sat down with their album Get Coco-Naughty, but this one seems creepier and spacier. It's also a bit more focused as an album, with several interstitial bits to accentuate the creepy, spacey feel. Looks like the tracks from their EP I Drove My Car to Heaven found new version on this one as well. I've barely given this album a full listen, but standouts are the great interplay between guitarists on "Re-Entry" and "Black Hole".

From: 09/01/2015 - 07:41

The Exotics - Twangy Surf & Spy Themes

The Exotics have two LPs under their belt: 1996's Go Go Guitars and 2009's The Lost Room as well as a few EPs. A retrospective album like this works in a time sense at over 20 years, but it's still pretty easy to pick up the complete collection too. Their bandcamp says this has a few new and remixed tracks, but I haven't figured out which ones those are.

From: 09/01/2015 - 07:26

The Madeira - Ancient Winds

I've had this one for a few weeks now and have , but the latest Madeira release just became available to purchase from . The very quick version: it's another Madeira album, of course it's great, ya dingus.

From: 09/01/2015 - 07:09


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